Emails and Blog Posts

“Where will your toes take you today?”  Gina

September 2022

“To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world.” Dr. Seuss
It began with just a simple thought, if what I’ve learned and done to free myself from a verbal abusive situation and inspire just one person that would be enough. That’s the single purpose of my mission.
Perspective from Today
Today is my last post, at least for now. All of my posts are at the website. I hope you take a look. I’ve grown so much as I never thought I would continue this for more than a month.  Writing twice a week for a year has been a remarkable journey. The stories I have told can go so much deeper and they  inspire me to learn more about myself and to find a way to inspire others. Stay tuned as Gina is looking to fulfill her next dream. Again to all who have followed me I am grateful.
Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude,
A,A, Milne
This time last year I was getting ready to launch Free My Toes. It all began on September 10, 2001 as I left a marriage of 25 plus years and ventured off into my own new world, Gina was scared but knew it was the only way to escape a life of sadness. I’ve come a long way since that fateful Monday morning. My goal from the beginning has been to inspire you to simply not settle. If you need to make a change, be bold and courageous in that journey.  Take that leap of faith and trust your instinct.
Perspective from Today
Free my Toes is not a thought of simply living life on the beach. It’s about finding yourself, loving yourself and living with yourself.  As my mom told me, ‘Go get happy, you’ve raised good kids, I’ve been worried about you for years. Find happiness’. Thanks mom. I’ve learned so much about myself. Who I am. What I will or will not do. Who I will do it with, or not. For those of you that have followed me this past year, thank you so very much.

August 2022

“Where words fail, music speaks. ” Hans Christian Anderson
Music has been a powerful influence in my life. I was given piano lessons for my 8th birthday. How my mom knew I would  want to play is still a mystery to me. Over the years my husband and I have met so many great artists. Truly blessed to have got to know so many of them.
Perspective from Today
We went to a music festival recently.  It was held in a friend’s backyard. The local talent we have in our town is exceptional. Tents, food trucks, and good tunes. The neighborhood inspired all of us to reach out and touch one another.  The one thing we all had in common – music.  Music no matter the genre sparks that in each of us. 
“Life is full of tough decisions & nothing makes them easy. ”  Martha Beck
We are a sum of the choices we have made. Some good, some bad, some happy, some sad. Sounds like a page out of Dr. Seuss.
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I’m in a life group of ladies at our church. We met in March of this year. We have shared so many things in such a short span of time. However, one member does not fit our group at all. The decision I had to make for our group was to keep this person, or loose the friendship of seven (7) others. We had recently discussed how past decisions influence our present situation. We all came to the same conclusion, I just had to deliver the news. It was not easy, but the right thing to do. Consider all the facts, analyze the choices and then make that tough call. 
“My mother always used to say: The older you get, the better you get, unless you’re a banana.”
—Rose (Betty White), The Golden Girls
A couple years ago I served on a Homeowner’s Association Board. It ended up being quite a trying time. But I wanted to help my neighborhood. During this time I found a few men I referred to as the ‘BAM’ (Band of Angry Men). They seemed to oppose everything I wanted to accomplish.
Perspective from Today
Fast forward to this past week. We have a matter before our community that has truly caused angst among the neighbors. Funny thing is, members of the ‘BAM’ have reached out to me in the last week. I love these guys now! We hope to plan a vacation with one of them soon. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that was possible. 
“At any moment, you have the power to say: this is not how the story is going to end. ” Christine Mason Miller
When you’re not content with a choice you made, what do you do?
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We have trip planned next month. Neither of us was very excited about it. What were we not thinking about? Why spend money if you’re not getting excited with two weeks to go? So in typical Gina fashion, we chose a new location. Then on to Google the possibilities. Result? We found a spot that we’re both excited about and at half the cost. Whew!
“The giving of love is an education in itself.” Eleanor Roosevelt

I went to a friend’s bridal shower over the weekend. What memories that brings. The games, the snacks and wonderful joy on the face of the person of honor. She’s getting ready to embark on a new life.
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One of the gifts the soon to be bride received was a dressing robe. A friend took the bride’s grandmother’s wedding dress and crafted it into a lovely robe for her.  The sash was formed from the front of the dress, the pearls from the dress were stitched into the arms of the new robe. It was simply lovely. What a cherished gift to receive.
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Albert Einstein
I am always in awe of what creativity it takes to produce any form of art. Whether it’s creating a painting or a new song, what wonders are achieved.
Perspective from Today
Our community hosts a Rain Barrel competition each August.  A young local artist takes each barrel and develops their design, then it’s auctioned off to the community. In addition to encouraging artists to be creative, the barrels can be attached to your gutters to catch rain water. That water is then recycled for use in your garden. It’s one of those projects where everyone wins.
” Whoever says you can’t develop mental toughness or anything else
doesn’t truly understand the human mind or the human spirit.” David Goggins
Inner strength – where does it come from? I’ve done more with my life since I found freedom 20+ years ago, than I ever thought possible. Writing has helped me try to discover where it came from. I really think my grandmother is the source of my strength. Nagy stood up for what she felt was right. Did everyone like that? Nope, but she felt it was important to tell her story. Me too.
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Looking back on some of her courage I remember on more than one occasion I wanted to hide.  That was my grandma standing up, speaking out. That could have been from a church pew, or at a wrestling match. I find myself doing that today. You don’t always encourage a lot of friendships, but you do garner support from those who can’t speak up. That’s Gina’s special gift.
“Through the season” Gina
The last two years have been difficult for all of us. We’ve struggled with the “Rona”, lost someone, or dealt with it ourselves. We have been forced to be isolated, separated and apart from all the things we enjoy. I don’t know if I recall life before the Rona. What is their point?
Perspective from Today
As we move past this, how do we come to terms with it? The struggle, sacrifice, anger, anxiety. Sometimes it’s too much to bear. I have struggled with the void. I’m not quite sure how to define how I feel, other than at times great loss. My solution is to turn to God, and ask for his healing power. The only One that can. If I don’t know what to say I simply tell him that and HE does the rest.
“Enjoy the difficulty. Love the process.” Unknown
Last week I celebrated the six-month anniversary of my rotator cuff surgery.  It has been much more of a challenge than I ever imagined. The surgery was a non-issue. However, the recovery has been a totally different story.
Perspective from Today
I’m about 75-80% back to normal. To my tribe: my husband, yoga instructors and massage therapist: I would not be at this point of recovery without your full backing and total support. I love you all so very much.
It has been more tedious, both mentally and physically, to endure the daily regimen of the recovery process than I imagined, but I’m seeing the benefit of my work and the support of my tribe.
Thank you. Gina
“Nothing is better than catching up with old friends. ” Unknown
I have written before about a dear friend I recently caught up with. She is 87 years young and was a former co-worker. We reconnected several months ago at one of my first mentor’s funeral. We have been swapping stories ever since. She told me of another co-worker that wanted to reconnect. When he and I worked together he had shared a very sad story of a son born with spinal bifida. This diagnosis typically leads to a short life expectancy. I just had to reach out when I heard this young man was announcing his engagement.
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Through the years this friend has had life experiences I will never have. His story about his son is just remarkable. As we talked about that, he reminded me he was adopted at the age of 3 months. He has now found and met both of his biological parents. I’m thrilled to know my co-worker of 25 years ago is back in my life. I can’t wait to rekindle our friendship.  
“The world is like a looking glass. It gives back to every man a true reflection of his own thoughts. ” Thackery
Finding friends from years ago is a wonderful thing. I know we live in a world of Facebook, but do you really engage? Or do you feel bad about yourself if you don’t seem to keep up with their happy lives. I’d rather have the true personal experience vs. the technological version of friendship.
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One of the happiest times in my life was early in my professional career. I worked for a large company but we felt like a huge family. Our company was sold and eventually we all drifted apart. Finding old friends recently is like a breath of fresh air. It has made me realize that I’ve been missing something and these old friends are part of that puzzle.

July 2022

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up. ” Babe Ruth
How can we help each other as we re-enter the world after COVID? I’ve been thinking it’s like a team sport and we need to have a great community around us.
Perspective from Today
We watched another leg of the Tour de France yesterday.  The top two guys were really pushing for the win when the guy in second place wiped out on the pavement. The leader of the race literally stopped to wait for him to gather himself off the pavement.  As we watched he seemed to help his top challenger get back into the race. How often would we stop to do that for another?  I hope my answer is every time.
“If you would venture let your mind be bold…not reckless but bold. ” Louis D. Brandeis
Kristen Hannah’s book Nightingale paints such lovely, yet heartbreaking stories of triumph, perseverance and inner strength. I’ve talked about this book before. It’s about 2 young women in occupied France during WWII. Isabelle, the younger sister, has an adventurous spirit to help get people to freedom over the Pyrenees. Check out the views.
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It’s Tour de France time and the guys are grinding it out over this same mountain range. Where do they find the strength? Isabelle made this same journey multiple times in the mid-1940’s.  The terrain is not easy for men, let alone women. To have the ability to dig down deep inside and find what moves you, in my opinion, gives way to your bold, venturous spirit.
“When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven’t.” Thomas A. Edison
Resilience – the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Replenish – to fill up again.
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In order to replenish, you need to humble yourself and serve others. Pastor Tim has taught me this. As you serve others,  you will be refueled or replenished, too.. As the quote says when you have exhausted all possibilities you may think you can do this on your own, but it’s best when you let God replenish you. Because He won’t ever let you down.
“We don’t even know how strong we are until we are forced to
bring that hidden strength forward.” Isabel Allende
I began these posts with telling my divorce story, but I didn’t want them to be just about that. Rather, I wanted my story to be about how I found the inner strength I didn’t realize I had. I found this quote and it summarized how I felt. I thought my life was pretty good. A family, career, home. But I felt isolated, alone. Sort of like 2 years of being isolated with COVID.
Perspective from Today
These last couple of years have been hard on all of us. To get through the ‘Vid’ I had to find that hidden strength again. I discovered not only did I need that strength over 20 years ago, I have needed it often since then. Sometimes we find ourselves feeling like a victim. However, we can not allow ourself to remain there. Find your inner strength and move forward.
“Dead last finish is greater than did not finish, which trumps did not start. ” Unknown
This past spring I began to think I would never be any better than I was. I felt terrible. I was still in pain, not from the surgery but from the therapy. My neck hurt so bad I thought I would be disabled and how would I deal with that?  It was depressing to consider that fact. I grew up with a mom that struggled through years of depression. The thought of that frightened me. I couldn’t bear that.
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I did struggle for about 6 weeks and then a very determined Gina fought back. I found my inner strength from so many years ago, never realizing I’d need to pull that from my toolbox. I found the courage to become my own advocate for my health care. Fought for a massage therapist and yoga assistance. I also demanded to change the physical therapist that had worked with me. I needed a new perspective. From that point on I began to see improvement. Never give up the ability to fight for yourself. It helps to begin to restore your soul.
“The better you can be, the better everyone can be.” Bobby Umar
I have been wanting to get back to my bike for almost a year. It finally happened on the Fourth of July. I didn’t ride long but it was a great feeling, to ride again. Great for my restoration. And another form of physical therapy for my shoulder.
Perspective from Today
It’s Tour de France time. If you’ve never seen it, please try and tune in this week. The Tour is in the mountains and the scenery is breathtaking. I’ll never be anywhere close to being a professional rider, but their endurance and challenge has given me the courage to get back on my bike. For me it’s a mental and balancing exercise. Perhaps it’s somewhat the same for them. But whatever your passion is, find it and take it all in.  
“It starts with me.” Gina
I’ve been posting twice a week since September 10, 2021. I’ve written about how the post came to be. Sharing what I’ve done to improve myself. I’ve made it through rotator cuff surgery. I was just recently been released from my surgeon’s care. It’s taken quite a bit out of me to get through the recovery. Making me wonder what’s next.
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I’d like to do more with my postings. My heart is pulling me towards total restoration. Not just my physical needs, but also my spiritual and emotional needs. A person can’t restore anything without first looking into themselves. I hope you stay  with me through that journey.
“Let Freedom Ring ”
Wishing each American a very Happy and Safe Fourth of July.
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Where else in the world can you live and enjoy the freedom we have? Do we get it right? Most of the time. And we also get it wrong at times. But there is no other place on the planet where you can live as freely as we do in America. Enjoy our birthday, America.

June 2022

“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything” Alexander Hamilton
Have you seen the Broadway show Hamilton? If not, check it out. So many quotes we can use in our daily lives.
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One of my favorite songs from the show is ‘”I’m not throwing away my shot!”  Each decision you make carries with it responsibility. Not only in your life, but in the lives of those around you. Sometimes in ways we don’t anticipate. Remember the burden of making that decision can also become a blessing. Stand strong in your beliefs.
” Every grudge, if it is to stand the test of time, relies on the certainty of a selective memory.”
― A.M. Shine, The Watchers
About a year or so ago, my mentor passed away.  We went to the funeral and so glad we did. A friend from over 20 years ago reached out to me. We have been catching up ever since. It’s like our friendship never took a break.
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Contrast that with an occurrence from the other night. We saw neighbors at an outdoor event and my husband went up to say hello. They live just a few doors down from us. We’ve been on a weekend trip with them, over to their house etc. For some reason they no longer give us the time of day. No idea why, so we thought we’d attempt to patch up whatever the issue had been.  Nope. They didn’t want to even stop and say hello. Just out for a walk and totally kept on walking. Life is way too short to hold grudges. I felt like I was back in school.  Forgiveness given, and hope they find happiness soon.  
“It’s summer and time to let your toes run free.” Gina
It’s summer 2022. What a whirlwind time we’ve all come through. I am still managing through rotator cuff recovery. After so many hours of therapy work I’m finally able to see significant improvement.
Perspective from Today
My inspiration for my writing has been a simple idea: free my toes. Be inspired by your life choices and happy with yourself and those around you. At the art fair I recently attended I wore tennis shoes, which was the smart choice since we were on our feet for several hours. However, I knew my toes would NOT be happy with me. As soon as we got back to the car, those tennis shoes came off. Free once again, my toes found comfort in their flip flops. Find happiness, freedom and love in all you do. 
” Creativity is magic. Don’t examine it too closely. ” Edward Alber
I love art fairs. After the last couple of years we’ve missed them; it’s great to have them back. One of our favorites was held this weekend.
Perspective from Today
You couldn’t have asked for a more perfect weekend. Temps in the low 80;s, not a cloud in the sky and low humidity. Absolutely wonderful.  As I walked past booth after booth of inspiration I was awed by the creativity. You may not enjoy every style or medium of art there is to offer, but you have to marvel at the viewpoint of each individual artist.  Freedom was certainly on display at each turn.
“Where there is no vision the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18
Do you get concerned about the world around us? I certainly do…
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In my readings this week, I came across the Proverb noted above. Sometimes there doesn’t seem to be a future vision to work towards; there’s simply noise all around. This is not healthy. We need to start by finding common ground before we can ever contrast what we don’t.
“If you are not willing to learn no one can help you.
If you are determined to learn no one can stop you.”
Zig Zigler
Ever have a week when you seem to snap at just about anything?  I did this past week. It made me really think what was causing my reactions. If you’ve followed me you know for years I felt trapped. No place to run, no place to hide. My early stories of Gina have explained what I’ve done to find the freedom to free my toes. I am determined to learn from these encounter.
Perspective from Today
I learned the acronym AGAIN several years ago…”Anything God Allows Is Necessary”. We may not understand the what, where or why, but He does. In dealing with personal struggle I’ve found it good to reflect AGAIN. One day we will understand why we get frustrated too easily, why we mistrust, why we see sadness for no reason.
“The stupid never forgive nor forget; The naive forgive & forget; The wise forgive but do not forget. ”
Thomas Szasz
From Pastor CJ this week I learned more about forgiveness. The ultimate forgiveness is the cancellation of a debt.
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What I learned is to forgive, but it’s OK to not forget. Ok to not trust. And OK to realize it take both for true reconciliation.
“Enjoy the difficulty. Love the process.” Unknown
Last week I celebrated the six-month anniversary of my rotator cuff surgery.  It has been much more of a challenge than I ever imagined. The surgery was a non-issue. However, the recovery has been a totally different story.
Perspective from Today
I’m about 75-80% back to normal. To my tribe: my husband, yoga instructors and massage therapist: I would not be at this point of recovery without your full backing and total support. I love you all so very much.
It has been more tedious, both mentally and physically, to endure the daily regimen of the recovery process than I imagined, but I’m seeing the benefit of my work and the support of my tribe.
Thank you. Gina
“Some of the best memories are made in flip-flops.” Kellie Elmore
Ever wonder what happens if you flip flops sails off into the ocean? I was on vacation sitting out on a pier and one of my flip flops blew off my foot and into the ocean. I had to figure out how to gracefully walk back over rocks and get to the car.
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After that adventure I discovered a company called Ocean Sole. They are a Kenyan flip flop art group which promotes Marine Conservation by recycling old flip flops from the oceans. Check them out at  
” Creativity is magic. Don’t examine it too closely. ” Edward Alber
I love art fairs. After the last couple of years we’ve missed them; it’s great to have them back. One of our favorites was held this weekend.
Perspective from Today
You couldn’t have asked for a more perfect weekend. Temps in the low 80;s, not a cloud in the sky and low humidity. Absolutely wonderful.  As I walked past booth after booth of inspiration I was awed by the creativity. You may not enjoy every style or medium of art there is to offer, but you have to marvel at the viewpoint of each individual artist.  Freedom was certainly on display at each turn.

May 2022

“America without her soldiers would be like God without His angels” Claudia Pemberton
Memorial Day 2022. A day to stop and reflect of fallen hero’s.

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Let’s remember not only those men and women we have lost. But also remember the families they left behind.
“Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. ” Franklin D. Roosevelt
Do you think we’re back to normal? Will we get there and soon? If not, how can we?

Perspective from Today
Human kindness is woven into our being. Where do we start? Kindness seems a good spot to me. I ponder on” putting down the stone” or “laying down the sword”. We all have blame and guilt in our lives. To regain civility, we need to drop our stone or sword, and regain the ability to listen to each other. One conversation at a time.

“What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness” Jean-Jacques Rousseau

We enjoy watching HGTV. They have a new series called Hometown Kickstart showcasing six small towns in America. HGTV and People magazine helps the residents make improvements to their community. One recent show highlighted La Grange, KY, where two girls, ages 8 & 10, started their own kindness campaign. HGTV helped them create a mural with “Be Kind” on a building as you enter town. The cool part is you get to be the “I” in Kind.
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This caused me to ask, “How can I be the “I” in Kind today?”  How about you?
“We rise by lifting others up” Robert Ingersol
Another Pastor Tim moment. Love Justice International does amazing work to rescue women from trafficking. But what comes next for these women?
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On Mother’s Day Pastor Tim gave the church’s moms a set of earrings as a gift. It came from a company that assists women, after they’ve been rescued, to develop real life work skills to help them continue their road to recovery. He said, “Every time you wear them I hope you remember what they mean.”

I hope you check them out.
“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own” Audre Lorde
Human trafficking is alive and well in our world.  Actually they say there are more slaves in the world than at any other time in history. Amazing! It’s 2022.
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From Pastor Tim I learned about an organization called Love Justice International. They set up “interception sites” in airports to help identify possible victims.

Check out this link to learn more:
” A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself. ” Oprah
This past weekend at church Pastor CJ talked about parenting. It got me thinking about mentoring. You can do this with or without kids. You are probably mentoring without realizing it, with co-workers, friends or other family members.
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We need to find ways to teach or mentor the next generation. Consider these four points:
Contentment – Be pleased with where you are;
Confidence – Be self assured;
Conflict – Learn to handle what comes your way;
Conviction – Have the courage to stand for something.
“Understanding is the first step in acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery ” JKRowling
If you’ve been following me, you know I’ve had rotator cuff surgery and I’m working on my recovery. I had an “Aha” moment the other day. I struggle getting my arms straight up and down by my side.  It hit me as I looked in the mirror I’m hunching my shoulder to avoid pushing my chest forward. Compensating for being ‘top heavy’.
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I can’t do that if I’m ever going to recover. I accepted that I’ve tried to hide that part of my body for many years. That seems odd when I think about it, as there’s no way to hide ‘the girls’ from anyone.  But I did.  Moral of my story: learn to accept the body you have now. Be proud of it.
Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle.Charles Glassman
Do you know anyone that isn’t hurting right now? If someone tells you they don’t have any problems, they need to look in a mirror.
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Everywhere I go it seems someone is dealing with financial, physical or emotional stress. We need to find a way to break the cycle. Perhaps kindness is that first step.
A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.Steve Maraboli
I found an old tee shirt today that said Kindness is Free. What would happen if everyone took the time to remember that?
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We have two eyes, two ears and one tongue. It seems our one tongue is what gets us in trouble. Shouldn’t we ALL take the time to listen harder and see clearer, long before we ever choose to say a thing?
In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you. Andrea Dykstra
Do you remember the story of David & Goliath? David was a young man, armed only with a few smooth stones & his slingshot. However, he was able to take down the powerful Goliath.
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It’s interesting to wonder how he was able to do that. I think the more powerful prospective is to consider the story from the spectators point of view. They lacked the courage it took to take on the challenge of a lifetime. What challenge is holding you back?

April 2022

Some old fashioned things like fresh air & sunshine are hard to beat..” Laura Ingalls Wilder
Nothing is better than the first few days of warm weather. Finally flip flop season is back. That’s huge to Gina.
Wherever you live, I do hope you were able to get outdoors this weekend.
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For us, we were able to open up our patio and fire pit. It’s invigorating to get outside and take in the spring air. Even throw open the windows to sleep. What a better way to enjoy the magnificent delights of Mother Nature.
“Always have an attitude of gratitude. ” Sterling K. Brown
Ever feel you need to review how you’re doing with grace, gratitude and generosity?
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I am trying to find 3 things to be grateful for each morning and evening. And to remember to write them down in my journal. Going along with that theme, I find being generous not only with my money but, even more important, with my time. Spending time with others helps me find ways to be grateful. Lastly, grace leads to Gina working on her patience skills.  If you know me you know I need to work on this one daily. What are you grateful for? How do you show generosity and share grace?
“In the end you don’t so much find yourself as you find someone who knows who you are.”
Robert Brault
Gina has already told you how it took her years to find herself. Sometimes each of us needs some help with pulling back the layers to discover our true selves.
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We just spent Easter weekend in Kansas City. On Saturday we went to a winery. A lady in her 50’s working there had a name tag on with “Ronda”. We asked her about the spelling. She told us that she always spelled it with an “h” until she went to get her driver’s license. They needed a copy of her birth certificate, which was spelled without an “h”. She said that’s when she started discovering her real name. How well do you know yourself?
“Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.”Anonymous
For a long time I struggled with my lack of self-confidence. I look back and I’m reminded of that personal growth.
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As I ponder that thought, I can’t help but think we all have the ability to solve our own problems, It’s deeply rooted in each of us. I feel it begins with gratitude. Begin and end each day with a statement of gratitude. If you journal, write it down. If not, consider doing so. Change is in each of us. It opens our world.
“Bloom where you are planted.” 1 Corinthians 7: 20-24
I’ve often mentioned the changes I’ve made and the challenges it brought. I need to honor the escape, as I thought I was doing this all on my own.
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What I tend to to reflect on the incredible effort of God. He sets things up for us, long before we become aware of our need. We’re human, and we think our greatest battle lies out in the unknown. Actually it’s inside of each of us. .
“Where the Lord leads you, the enemy will meet you. ”  Pastor CJ
Ever find yourself exhausted from trying to do it all? I know I have.
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The thing is, we can’t do it by ourself. When we assume we’ve got it all figured out, something or someone comes along to disrupt our plan. When we turn to God, we will realize He is the only answer,. To move forward you need to realize life has a certain amount of uncertainties, with predictable resistance. Once we put it in His hands, problems will drift away, solutions will appear and our world can change.
“Decide which direction you want to go. ” Pastor Todd
Decide which direction you want to go. What a powerful statement. I’ve discovered you can not stay in one place. You must move forward, always forward. Acknowledge your past, but move on. Don’t dwell on the past. Use it to propel yourself towards the future.
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If you think you’ve earned a blessing, how do you know? Because you haven’t been there yet.  If God hasn’t directed you on the path, WAIT. He allowed you to escape, so will he provide your entrance into your  future.

March 2022

“If life were predictable it would cease to be life and be without flavor. ”
Eleanor Roosevelt
Over the weekend we were talking about memories of learning to drive. My dad had the pleasure of teaching me. I will never forget his instructions. He talked quite emotionally, “STOP looking at the end of the hood! Raise your head and look farther down the road.” I’m not sure which he was more concerned about…my driving or his precious Cadillac?
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Gina says, “Look farther ahead, because that’s where you will end up”. A great life lesson to reflect on. How many times do we forget to look farther ahead?
“It’s always the little things.” Gina
I’ve realized that I’ve been struggling to get through this rotator cuff recovery. A few months ago it simply was getting past the surgery. Now as the months have dragged on, I’m struggling with the drudgery of it all. I’m tired of it! I want to move freely again and get rid of my aches. It’s not happening fast enough for me. I’m partially back, but have several more months to endure. I ask myself,  “How will I get through it?”
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It’s the small things that bring happiness. I’m learning to set goals for myself and have found someone to hold me accountable. I’ll make it, as each challenge is achieved, scratched off the list, and a new one added.
“Having to make decisions isn’t a burden. Getting to make decisions is a blessing. ” Dana Perino
I’ve just picked up a new book by Dana Perino, Everything Will Be OK – “Life lessons for young women, from a former young woman”,. Thinking about the title made me reflect on my past. I was a sad person and knew I had to make very tough decisions. I felt alone, nobody would understand my struggle. I would be told to suck it up, and this is your life, deal with it. I just couldn’t do that. So I made decisions that I know affected my family. They were truly not thrilled with my decision to leave. It’s changed my relationship with them. I’ve had to learn to accept that. In doing so I’ve been blessed with finding myself, happiness and a freedom I hope you all find. Embrace your fears. Live your life. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Learn from them and grow.
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Has every decision I’ve made been correct? Of course not!  But when you think of your decisions taking you forward, it certainly makes them easier to live with.
“Spring: a reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.” Unknown
This week I added two new members to my “village”. I have come to appreciate what it takes to heal.
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I have had the good fortune to find a massage therapist and have been able to include a lite yoga routine to enhance my rotator cuff recovery. I now understand and respect the folks that find a new passion for either of these teachings. I see value in how interconnected our bodies are. Like a village, it takes all of us in community to realize our full potential. Live life to the fullest and see the beauty in change.
“Change the world by being yourself.” Amy Poehler
I still wonder what people saw in me. What special talent did I exhibit? I never thought I showed much of anything but being average.
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I have learned that through His grace we are given the opportunity to develop our gifts. Co-workers seemed to ‘see’ something in me. Every encounter I’ve had, especially in the workplace, kept me honing my life skills, leadership skills, and accounting skills. Encouragement on projects and, even the decision to leave my former life, has led me to believe each of the encounters has been used to shape the life I now know. I’ve learned I have these gifts, they met a need, and I have  served others. I also realized, like most of us, I’m a supporter and not a head-liner. Use your gifts to the best of your ability to serve others.
“To live will be an awfully big adventure. ” Peter Pan
I went to a Think Conference on the topic of work over this past weekend. Boy, did it make me think. It finally hit me as to why I took this journey to freedom over the past 20 years.
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At the conference on Friday, the speaker was talking about all the people you’ve met that have influenced you .Naturally my mind went to my past work experiences. One thing he discussed was what’s your calling? Do you stay where you are or go somewhere else? Unless something happens or, because of some other factor? This hit me hard. Obviously, my choice wasn’t to stay. If I didn’t leave. nothing would have changed. I left to find freedom and return to my faith. God has always been beside me even though I didn’t realize it. I’ve gone on to “Free My Toes” and look forward to hearing your story of how you have found freedom.
“Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all. ” Helen Keller
I’m out, living at my new apartment, on my own. I had never lived alone. My apartment was close to a thriving new shopping complex, and Gina was ready to get back to life. It had everything a girl needed, shopping, restaurants and most important, to me, a day spa.
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My co-workers never ceased to be supportive. They helped me get back into a routine. I’m an accountant and years ago I worked with mostly guys. They were always like an older brother I never had. They teased me, treated me as one of there own and watched out for me even when I didn’t expect it. Things I had never experienced. It was a time to kick back and start looking for myself.  I truly enjoyed that season of my life.

February 2022

“Until you find yourself, you can’t find freedom. ” Gina
I have a place to live, banking set up, and furniture on order. Next up, getting my personal belongings out without being discovered. Maybe I haven’t actually said this. but he never had any idea what I was doing. Totally unaware, or not interested. I started with a steno pad and literally thought about each room in the house. I made notes of what I wanted. Then began working on a plan to get things out. During his naps, I put things into garbage bags, put them in the trunk of my car and made a visit to my mom. The list included such things as the baby blankets I brought the kids home in, and the Christmas ornaments they made at school. I took bath towels, pots/pans, and dishes. I used the cover of cleaning out closets to get big stuff out, too. On move day, I  took my clothes, my piano, a couch and chair, a rocking chair and the washer/dryer. My attorney’s advice was to get everything I wanted out, because there would be no going back  
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As I reflect back, I found an inner strength I never knew existed. Perhaps it had always been there, but had been so submerged in my mind I had forget about it. Never, give up.
Strengths are born in your valleys.” Pastor Tim
As many of you know, I had rotator cuff surgery recently. This week I passed the halfway point, three months in, three to go. If you or anyone you know has dealt with this battle you come to appreciate small victories. I’ve had good days and bad. But I’m learning to channel my inner strengths born from my valleys.
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Yesterday I looked back, and realized the ‘healing process’ is behind me. I now begin the recovery phase. With that in mind we cleared out the loft. We cleaned up anything that was part of healing, moving all into the guest room for all my therapy sessions.  Our home is beginning to look like home again, not a recovery room. I didn’t realize how much this meant to me until we finished.  

With gratitude to my best yoga friend, whose guidance has meant a lot, I’ve learned to improve my posture. She’s been through this, too.

As always, a heartfelt thank you to my very supportive husband and, of course, all of you. In true Gina fashion, never stop reaching for your goal.
“Until you find yourself, you can’t find freedom.” Gina
I now had a place to move into and a new bank account. Next up: furniture. I needed just about everything. I had planned to take with me a couch and chair. Everything else I needed to find and get set up for delivery.  I shopped over the weekends, during his nap times. Looking back I’m still amazed why he never wondered what I did with my time.
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Never give up in working toward your dream…
“Until you find yourself, you can’t can freedom. ” Gina
I’m hoping many of my followers remember writing checks. I needed to open a bank account before I moved out. Got the account set up, but how do I get the new checks to me without the Ex finding out? I decided to have the address on the new account be my brother’s and to have the checks sent there.  That didn’t happen. The Ex normally got home before I did and picked up the mail. Fortunately, the day the checks arrived I got home first. When I opened the mailbox and saw those checks, my jaw dropped. God was with me that day..
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Looking back, I’m so very grateful I got home first that day. Through the entire process I was leading a very secretive life and wasn’t ready to be found out.  
“Until you find yourself, you can’t find freedom.” Gina
The plan…Set up bank accounts. Figure out furniture. Get my personal belongings out. Find a person to trust completely.    But first I had to find a place to live.
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Today’s reflection is on a place to live. I found an apartment. The biggest ‘need’ was a garage. I worked with the apartment management to get me into a garage in my building as soon as possible. For about a month I had to walk between buildings to get to my place. He stalked me, and I wanted to find as much safety and privacy as I could. To this day, I don’t know how he found out where I moved. Maybe he followed me home from work? I did have personal license plates, but I changed those once I moved out.  Maybe he could track that?  I loved that apartment. It was mine.  I could decorate as I chose and come and go as I wanted. When I visit my hometown, I often drive past that apartment and still find a sense of peace.  .  
“Until you find yourself, you can’t find freedom. ” Gina
I’ve told you that I ‘escaped’ September 10, 2001, the day before the Trade Center bombings. But how would I get out? I needed to put together a list of things to get done. My timeframe was just about a month. Boy, would I be busy!  But, Gina had the perfect cover. My kids were heading back to college and the ex slept most of the time.   
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Over the next several weeks I will share what I did to take the first steps towards finding freedom.  
” You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. ” Mae West
My posts continue to heal me.  But I still have a long way to go.  Let’s turn to a funny story and hope you can relate.  Ever try to substitute dish soap for dishwasher soap?  Take it from Gina – don’t do it… and then have your toddler children try and keep it quiet…They just wanted to play in all the bubbles mommy created!   All I remember, other than the lecture, were bubbles everywhere.  A little of the wrong soap can go a long way.
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Today the story makes me laugh.  Back then I endured another long lecture of what not to do.  Maybe he thought I couldn’t figure that one out for myself.  

January 2022

“I will remember r& recover, not forgive and forget ” Unknown
It was on a Saturday afternoon, in the middle of the summer, air conditioner blasting away.  All windows are closed and I’m doing my normal Saturday chores.  Dusting, vacuuming, laundry… I kept hearing an odd noise.  After several minutes trying to figure it out, I look outside.  My ex is sitting on his lawn tractor, mowing the yard. blowing a coaches whistle. I kid you not!  I open up the back door and ask what’s going on. He bellows he needs a beer. To avoid conflict I cave and give him what he demanded.  
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To this day, when I tell that story, nobody that knows me now would ever think that I would cave and simply give in.  Gina’s come a LONG way since then.  Don’t be the door mat.  Stand up for yourself. 
” To handle yourself use your head; to handle others use you heart. ” Elanor Roosevelt
My parents divorced when I was about 13.  I was never close to my dad. We tried many times to reconcile but it simply just didn’t happen.  One quick story, when my son was born, it wasn’t until he was 9 months old that my father met his only grandson.  However, that sadness led to this story.
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We got married in Napa California at a lovely Bed & Breakfast.  We then drove down to Monterrey.  While at the hotel, I saw a conference being set up for a company called Battelle. I stopped by the booths and asked if they were from Columbus, Ohio my hometown.  The ladies, who looked like they were in their upper 80’s, said yes and asked why.  I told them my dad worked for Battelle.  They asked his name, I told them Walt… they exclaimed Fritz… YES!  These ladies knew my dad! They started telling the rest of their crew they were talking with Fritz’s daughter.  Apparently my dad had made quite the impression.  I took from this encounter that my dad was smiling down on me.  It warmed my heart.
“It hurt because it mattered” John Green
I went back for my first doctor appointment last week since rotator cuff surgery December 2nd.  When I left the hospital they sent me home with my new best friend, Penelope.  She’s a rather large sling that sits at my waist with a 45 degree angle on it.  I wear it 24/7.  For the first 2 weeks we slept in a recliner.  Finally, we have been able to sleep in our bed.   
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Gina’s goal in life is to be a positive person.  Physical  therapy is starting. I know my road to recovery will be long and, at times, painful. After lugging Penelope around for 6 weeks, I was told I can now begin to wean off of it. I ‘m beginning to find my strength again, but will need all my support team to get me through.  My shining star has been more than amazing and I couldn’t get through this without him.  .  
” Your life is defined by what you say ‘no’ to. ” Steve Jobs
With my ex, I felt like if I didn’t agree with him, I would get the cold-shoulder for days. But, if the disagreement was between him and the kids, it was a different story. As they became teenagers, my daughter would push back at her dad. I would step in as the “peacekeeper”…until one day I didn’t. After I had left, my daughter told me the day I didn’t step in, she knew things had changed.
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This week at church, Pastor C.J. talked about how his dad would tell him, “If your coach is yelling at you, it’s because he cares. When he stops he’s given up.” Who has given up on you? Who have you given up on?
“ To handle yourself use your head; to handle others use you heart. ” Elanor Roosevelt
Can you believe we’re going into year three? As I faced surgery after having COVID, I needed to have a negative test 3-days prior to the procedure. My prayer warriors and I prayed about it.
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Results came back positive. I was crushed. My shoulder was killing me and I wondered how much longer I could go on. As I spoke with the nurses, they asked me how long it had been since I got COVID. It was about 15-days, but I had been symptom free for nearly a week. After a dramatic pause, they told me that many people can have a positive test result for up to 90-days. The surgery went on as scheduled and my recovery is on track. Life can go on…
“ To handle yourself use your head; to handle others use you heart. ” Elanor Roosevelt
People can disappoint you. When you open up, you can leave yourself vulnerable to misunderstandings or, even, personal attacks. It’s easy to let these situations defeat you. Be careful with how you share your feelings, because it’s important to guard your heart.
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Since my surgery, I realized some of the women in my church group had not asked me how i was doing. I thought we were growing closer as we shared our life’s journey. I began to become disenchanted and decided to move away. One lady responded to the ‘I’m leaving’ text with a long list of her personal challenges, none of which she had shared with our group. It convinced me I had made the right decision. Remember to find your tribe and protect your heart.
“Allowing yourself to take a break, is a sign of self-respect.” Unknown
As I have begun to pen Free My Toes, I have realized the importance of support.  I’ve needed support for a variety of situations.  As I started my life again 20 years ago, friends and family provided support.  The encouragement of co-workers has also played an important role for me.  This has taken me to places I never thought I’d go. When have you needed someone to step up and help you?
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Today I have learned the value in taking breaks. I enjoy practicing yoga several times per week, serving at church, and riding my bike. I’m getting back to these activities as I continue my recovery.    
“Love the life you live, live the life you love. ” Bob Marley
Nothing is better than sipping a rum punch in Montego Bay, Jamaica.  We love relaxing there. We have missed getting there for the past couple of years….
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I would never have started this site, without the total, unending support from my husband.  It took us years to find each other.  Never give up looking to find your happiness.  It’s out there.  Gina & hubby are true believers.  Thank you for your love and support…

December 2021

“Where are your toes taking you this next year. ” Gina
What an amazing year 2021 was.  Success, setbacks, heartaches…
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Wishing you all a very prosperous start to 2022.  Let’s commit to health &  happiness.  My resolution is to have a grateful heart in every situation.
“When I started counting my blessings. my whole life turned around. ” Willie Nelson
I’m writing this post pre-maturely.  Hopefully, my recovery is rebounding well.  They say the first 14 days are the toughest. It’s suppose to get back after that. 
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Knowing Gina, she is a fighter and always up for the battle.  There are times when I don’t want to face it or deal with it.  Although I want to give in at times, I can’t… And you won’t either.  Listen to your heart, quiet your mind and always remain strong.
“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but rising every time we fall. ” Nelson Mandela
A month or so ago I mentioned my first mentor.  That company at one time had over 1,200 people working together and we’d been like a large family for more than 10 years.   When our company was sold we went our separate ways and as stories go, you tend to loose contact with many of these friends. This happened to me and my friend, Lady Bird.
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Lady Bird reached out to me on a chance email hoping I was the same person that knew her nearly 30 years ago. She found my name when I was at my mentor’s funeral visitation.  I was really in need of support as I’m dealing with this upcoming surgery.  We connected just a day ago, and it was like we’ve never been apart.  God was working to let me know people still think of me, even though decades have passed. Never lose sight of old friends.
” Believe you can and you’re halfway there. ” Theodore Roosevelt
I’m ready. Today I got the call and time is now officially set.  In two days I’ll have the surgery and then the road to recovery begins.  
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There are so many people that deal with very difficult issues each and every day.  I’m grateful to just be dealing with rotator cuff surgery.  How do we all do it?  I believe simply that in God all things are possible.  You must quiet your mind to hear his whispers.  And when you do you’ll be amazed…
“Talk to yourself like someone you love. ” Brene Brown
I’ve got this planned out, ready to get the surgery over with…. Then we both come down with COVID.  
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We have all been through so much these past 20-22 months.  Hard to believe we’ve been dealing with this for almost 2 years.  Remember, when I wondered how will I go from 100% busy to zero?  Having COVID took care of that.  We spent time recovering.  We had the monoclonal antibody infusion and we got through our quarantine period.  But, not without reflecting on how to overcome the surgery and dealing with my work responsibilities.  We own a small business and I handle all of our back-end operations.  God helped us find the right person to assist me.  So far it is working out well.  .  
“Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out. ” John Wooden
In true Gina fashion, and total support from my husband, I get my head back in the game.  I’m a planner. I have a lot to get ready for. My surgeon tells me I will really dislike him for several weeks, but then we’ll be pals.  Also, he said to put on my big girl pants and I’ll be just fine. 
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Girls, we think about way too many things. I need to find out if I can keep earrings in for surgery, otherwise my better half will need to do that for me.  What will I wear, need to organize freezer meals, how to shower, sleep-I’ve heard you need to sleep in a recliner for a week or so.  I need to have my nails done and hair cut just prior to my surgery date.  Gina can overthink things. I’m hearing crazy things from friends that have had this done.  It’s great once they have recovered but a total pain in the back side going through it.  But I’ve got this.  I’m hoping my words encourage you to pull yourself through struggles and know you’ll survive.
” It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” Sir Edmund Hillary
On about day three of the surgery news, I realized I was truly nervous about this and didn’t seem to be handling it well.  So I went back to my beloved yoga practice and mat.  Before each practice I have a little time to pray.  I prayed for strength & courage to get my mindset back on course. 
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Surgery is set for just a few days from now.  I’ve had time to reflect, lean into my faith, and find peace and happiness.  Having a prayer circle has been ever so rewarding.  I didn’t always lean into my faith, but do so daily and the results have been nothing short of remarkable.  See what mountain you can move if you lean into Jesu
“Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” George Addair
I’ve traveled for work most of my life, lugging a laptop bag through airports, stuffing everything I could into it. Well…. time has taken it’s toll and Gina’s story will change for a few weeks. My next couple of weeks postings will help me move through this process and hopefully it will help others, too.
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I learned about a month ago I needed to have rotator cuff surgery.  Fortunately, it’s on my left shoulder and I’m right handed.  I was pretty much floored with the thought of actually  going from 100% active to slow or zero.  But it’s something i must deal with.  Gina has overcome many obstacles and this is just one.   
“We can’t help everyone but everyone can help someone.” Ronald Reagan
After I was in Nevada, I found a consulting firm from Indiana to assist in our audit work.  When I needed to move back closer to my mom, I went to work for them.
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The owner of that company used to tell me that I was one of the few that thought like him. i asked, “How so?” He replied, “You can see the whole picture.” I have found many people only see what’s right in front of them. To grow you need that broader perspective.  Stop, listen, and grow…

November 2021

“Challenge yourself; it’s the only path which leads to growth. ” Morgan Freeman
About a year after I was on my own, I moved to Reno, NV.  I worked for Alice, a lady that was 72 years young.  She taught me you can be tough as nails with your co-workers, professional adversaries but, after 5pm, you can be friends.  Her motto? “When you’re in my office I’m in complete charge. At dinner we’re best friends.”  That mantra stayed with me through much of my professional life.
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She passed away a couple of years ago, and I’ll never forget her. She cried with me the day I told her I was moving back closer to home. See, she was from Ohio, my home state. She often told me often how I have her same values.
“Be thankful in everything you do. ” Gina
When I reflect back on the last 20 years of my life, I’m constantly reminded of how much I’ve grown, where I’ve been, what I’ve done, where I’m at now. It’s been an amazing journey.
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My thought for today is simply this: Always be generous with your time, be thankful for who is in your life, and know you can and do make a difference each and every day.
“Too many of us are not living our dream, because we are living our fears.” Les Brown
Gina has a theme song from Jonathan Butler, an artist from South Africa. You got to Believe in Something…check out the video using the button below.
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Are things ever going to change?  Yes, “You gotta believe in something… all things work together for the good… no matter what the cost, no matter all things lost…” He’ll take you to church
“Believe you can & you are halfway there. ” Theodore Roosevelt
I finally became a CPA.  It took work and courage to obtain it.  I guess I must have known that one day I’d be dependent on myself and started on my dream. I took a course that required 2 night classes a week from 6-10pm and about 40 hours of homework.  That in addition to my normal work week, being a mom and maid.
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One of my proudest achievements was earning that professional designation. No matter what your personal goal is, work for it and you’ll accomplish more than you imagine.
“When everything seems to be going against you,
remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. ” Henry Ford
My husband asked me the other day,”When did you know your destination?”  As I thought about it, Gina, never thought she had a real destination in mind.
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He reminded me of this story.  At the company where my boss gave me such a great start on my career, we were sold to another company and I was one of the last to be let go. I told myself, if I were ever in that situation again, I wanted to be the first to be let go and to become a Certified Public Accountant.  About 5 years later, both those wishes came true. Stay true to your destination.
“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school they asked what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I wrote down ‘happy’.  They told me I didn’t understand the assignment. I told them they didn’t understand life.” John Lennon
You think you’ve hidden away your hurt.  You wear that mask and think others don’t see.  But…they do.
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My husband and I were on a business trip and at dinner we ran into a guy that knew me years ago. At first he said he didn’t recognize me. Then he said Gina you’re ‘glowing’. Glowing! Me! Wow! We can get through hurt and find happiness.  Be brave always.
“Change your thoughts, and you change the world. ” Norman Vincent Peale
I had to find out who I was and what was truly important to me.  What could I live with… and live without.  I found that all relationships should be based on three things, financial support, spiritual support and physical support.  I call these my 3 legged stool. I don’t think you can have a solid relationship without them.
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Find your 3 legged stool. Never compromise.
“I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions. ” Stephen Covey
My goal is to inspire you to think and reflect.  I’ve noted several stories that helped shape my decisions to change my life. Hopefully I’m helping you to consider your circumstances and serve as a guiding light for you.
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In a prior post I mentioned an encouraging word from a boss.  From there he went on to introduce me to, and eventually have me hold meetings with, the Tax Director for a Fortune 100 company.  Whenever he came to town, my female friends thought it was so great to be able to talk to him. I was terrified. I always thought I was less than. However he and I came to be good friends. One day that company announced they were moving from NYC to Dallas.  Surprisingly, I was one of his first calls to break the news. 
As my professional life continued to flourish my personal life was moving in the opposite direction.  Be true to yourself, know you can do anything. 
“Challenge yourself; it’s the only path which leads to growth. ” Morgan Freeman
We finally did a few family vacations in Myrtle Beach.  If you’ve ever been there in July, you know the beaches are packed! One year the kids didn’t go with us.  So for two weeks I would take my morning coffee and newspaper (do you remember those?) down to the beach.  I loved to watch the beach come to life.  One morning the Lifeguard stopped by and asked me why I was alone every day and my husband didn’t join me.  That struck me as odd, because how in the endless throng of beach goers did he realize I was alone.  Another Ah Ha  moment for Gina. 
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I am so very fortunate to have had these struggles, to make me better today. Stop and reflect on your circumstances.  Is there a challenge you need to face?  I’ve grown in so many ways as I chose to move forward despite those challenges.

October 2021

“Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out ” John Wooden
Many people have asked me how I stayed so long with my my now ex. I never imagined others saw my pain.  I thought it was my deepest secret.

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As I look back I’m struck by the idea that everything you do.. past or present, people are watching you.  As you interact with others you always have an effect on them.  So I ask myself, am I conducting myself in ways that would have a positive impact on those around me?  What effect are you having on others?
“You gotta do what you gotta do ” Gina
I drove a conversion van back in the mid 80’s. It was getting older. One day driving home from work it started overheating.  I know nothing about cars, but that temp gauge was moving and not in a good way.  I babied the car home, the house was in my sight.  And then the little arrow went through the red zone. Not good right?  Once home, I got the question, “is it still in the red zone?’ I said “NO”, because technically it went through the red zone and was no longer in the red zone.  You gotta ask the right question!.
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My husband and I still laugh about that story today.  Back then I got a few days of pouting and being ignored after that incident.  It took many years of dealing with those stories and several counseling sessions to recover.  
“Life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apology you never got. ” R. Brault
Ever deal with someone and you never know what will set them off?  I did that for years. I called it walking on egg shells.  Conversations were going well…then BAM out of nowhere a blow up.  Dealing with that every day causes affects that add up. If you’ve ever wondered about verbal abuse, Google it and realize there are many men & women that have to deal with this.
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Gina is now a free and happy lady.  But to get here I had to cope with many scars.  My husband and I heal each other  because we both dealt with this in our own way, until we found each other.  
“Try not to compare their success, to your failures.  It never works. ” Pastor Tim
We never seemed to enjoy any family time.  No vacations, because it was understood we couldn’t afford it.  But it seemed like all of our friends, in similar financial situations, went on vacations every year.  I always wished we could take a family vacation.  
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Now I realize, social media plays this role today. Families just seem to post the fun times, but I wonder are they really that happy?  Or are they just propping themselves up. I have so many stories that I will begin to share around this topic.  I just want to leave you with that thought to ponder.   Let me know what you think…  
“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it. “Lou Holtz
In a prior post, I mentioned getting a recommendation for a job early in my career. It was from a boss that asked me to take on our company’s federal tax return, a project I had never done. There were no procedures to follow, just a 12 inch manila folder filled with manual work papers. Remember, this was long before Excel. Once he dropped that folder on my desk, I picked it up and followed him back into his office. He simply said, “Go see what you can do with this.” That was his only instruction. To this day, I still wonder what he saw in me
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I’ve taken a long time to figure that out. He knew I had the ability.  But, he wondered if I had the motivation and attitude to get the job done. From that project on he asked me to do even more. As I open up and write more about Gina, it hit me. I began to have confidence in my business life, but little in my personal life. That project set me up to do some very amazing things. More on that later…
” Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all ” Helen Keller
I’ve recently read The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah.  My yoga teacher, I call Peeps, recommended it. If you haven’t read it, consider doing so.
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The book is set in WWII in France.  What struck me was the women just did what they needed to do to survive the Nazi occupation. They simply needed to make it through another day. They did it without fanfare, parades or medals. They just DID what they had to do… and helped others along the way. Women from WWII – ordinary women doing extraordinary things.  We can ALL do that!
“It’ ain’t babysitting if they’re your kids ” Pastor Tim
When my kids were 2 & 4, their dad had days off during the week and he stayed home with them. One night I got home from work and, in talking to my kids. I asked what they did that day, what they had for lunch, etc., They told me “daddy didn’t feed us today.” Curious, I asked him why he didn’t feed the kids.  His answer, “they never said they were hungry.” Should a toddler know that? Or, should a parent just do it?  “Because it ain’t babysitting…”
Perspective from Today
I wonder how many of us have heard a similar story?  And then, what do you do with that?  My struggle started so many years ago. I simply was not aware. I want to help you reflect and find the courage to find that inner strength that’s inside each of us.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore, Dream Discover” Mark Twain
Thank you to all that have opened these emails.  I had no idea if anyone would even click to open them and I’ve been amazed at the results. 
Perspective from Today
September 24th was National Brave Day, a day to honor women who lift each other up.  Whether it’s sharing a cup of coffee or writing a well written letter of recommendation for a job, you never know how that will affect another.  As I look back, I received a job recommendation from a boss that allowed me to take my life changing journey over the past 20 years.  That’s the focus of Free My Toes…  

These emails are meant to inspire you to reflect and think.  I would love to hear from you…

September 2021

“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.” Eleanor Roosevelt
Have you ever felt you were losing yourself?  I did not have a voice or someone to share my journey. Encouragement was hard to come by.  Even though I had no plan, I knew I couldn’t live like that anymore. When do you know you’ve crossed the line and have to make tough decisions? 
Perspective from Today
Today I live with freedom, encouragement, and a voice. I am loved and appreciated. It’s hard to express how different this feels. I’ve never regretted what I had to do. I hope you are inspired to take the right steps in your life.  Not everyone needs a total restart; sometimes we just need a reset. It is important to look at your life to determine if you are on the right path…
“Allowing yourself to take a break, is a sign of self-respect.” Unknown
20 years ago I really needed help.  I turned to my brother. He helped me move, stored stuff for me, and, most importantly, encouraged me. He wanted me to be sure of my decision.  When have you needed someone to step up and help you?
Perspective from Today
Today I have learned the value in taking breaks. I enjoying practicing yoga several times per week, serving at church, and riding my bike. My husband and I have learned to love YIN – Restorative Yoga. In YIN you hold a yoga pose for several minutes, letting you sink into it.  It totally relaxes you.  This is part of my Free My Toes journey.  
  “I will remember & recover, never forget.” Unknown
I was a hostess for a corporate event at a Columbus Blue Jackets hockey game. I spent my time making sure the guests had a wonderful time. The next day my co-workers told me that my ex-husband watched me like a hawk. He never mingled with the guests or enjoyed the game; he just kept an eye on me the whole time.  Wow! They saw it and I didn’t.  At this point I really started to think…
Perspective from Today
My husband and I visualize our relationship as a meadow and a hedge. I have a vast meadow in which to play, but he has the hedges covered. Within the meadow I can be a strong and independent woman.  But, if I venture too close to the hedges, he will protect me. Every women needs a strong man that guards our hedges.  We always discuss any decision and, mostly make it together. But, if we can’t agree, then he makes the final decision. This comforts me because I know he will make the best decision for our family.
“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” Tony Robbins
My decision to change my life happened in Kansas City, Missouri in August 2001. I had a business trip scheduled from my home in Ohio and, as I left, my ex-husband didn’t react at all. He didn’t tell me to have a safe trip. He didn’t tell me “I hope your plane crashes.” He said nothing. This was the “final straw”. I knew then I couldn’t continue to live like that.
Perspective from Today
In early August 2021 my husband and I traveled to KC to visit a pastor and church we love. I was suddenly overcome with emotion as i realized I was back in the city where my journey started, almost to the exact same day. I cried that day…as the significance of Kansas City in my life hit me. 
“It hurt, because it mattered.”  John Green
The choice was made, but I had to tell my 78-year old mom. I will never forget what she told me.  “Honey, I’ve been worried about you for years.  You’ll be fine, just go get yourself happy.”
Perspective from Today
I’ve never been happier in my life. I finally found the man with whom I was meant to share my journey.  Our similar back stories mean we help each other heal. That day so many years ago did hurt, but it was necessary to get to the place I am now.
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising up every time.”  Nelson Mandela
Labor Day 2001, my son and his girlfriend were home for the weekend from college.  As she watched me, she would tell him, “Something is different with your mom.” But he didn’t see it. How could she, who really didn’t know me well, sense the shift in my attitude? It seems that sometimes, the people you don’t know well see the change first…
Perspective from Today
As I look back to twenty years ago, I realize I’m not the person I was back then. Although I thought at the time my secret was safely tucked inside me, it actually wasn’t. People around me noticed the change, no matter how much I tried to hide it. When have others uncovered you before you realized it yourself?

Where will your toes take you today?
My Inspiration for Free My Toes
I believe women need to find time to care for ourselves after caring for others all day. At the end of a day, the first thing I want to do is kick off my shoes, and get into flip flops. Come with me to ‘Free My Toes’. 
20 Years ago, on September 10, 2001, I left my old life behind to start a new chapter. I had no plan. I just knew I was on the edge of losing myself and this was my chance. Little did I know the Trade Center attacks would happen the next morning, changing everything.

Free My Toes has become more than a saying…it’s become a way of life. After a long day, don’t you just want to take off your shoes, free your toes, and relax? Free My Toes is about taking a bit of time in our hectic lives to care for ourselves.

Join me as I tell my story and inspire yours. Visit my website to signup for my Monday and Thursday emails. They will be a short, easy read with a quote, a little history, and a perspective from today.

Looking forward to seeing where your toes take you…