My Inspiration for Free My Toes

I began Free My Toes to inspire other people who know they need to change what’s going on in their life but are afraid to move forward. 
For many years I struggled to find my identity. I eventually realized I needed to do something. On September 10, 2001, I left my old life behind to start a new chapter. I had no plan. I was scared. But I had to act.
My goal is to tell stories of what led up to that, what I did to accomplish it and where I’m at 20 years later. 
I believe women need to find time to care for ourselves after caring for others all day. At the end of a day, the first thing I want to do is kick off my shoes, and get into flip-flops..
Free My Toes has become more than a saying…it’s become a way of life. After a long day, don’t you just want to take off your shoes, free your toes, and relax? Free My Toes is about taking a bit of time in our hectic lives to care for ourselves.
Join me as I tell my story and inspire yours. Signup for my Monday and Thursday emails. They will be a short, easy read with a quote, a little history, and a perspective from today.
Looking forward to seeing where your toes take you…Gina